
  • Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF
    카테고리 없음 2023. 9. 3. 07:05

    Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF: A Shocking Exposà of Cameroon's President

    If you want to know the truth about Paul Biya, the president of Cameroon since 1982, you should read Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF, a book written by Ebale Angounou, a former member of his inner circle. In this book, Angounou reveals the dark secrets of Biya's regime, such as his involvement in occult practices, his role in the death of his wife Jeanne Irene, his pact with his predecessor Ahmadou Ahidjo, and his brutal repression of his opponents.

    Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF is not an ordinary book. It is a testimony of a man who witnessed first-hand the atrocities committed by Biya and his cronies. Angounou was arrested and imprisoned for 30 months in 1991 after he defected from Biya's camp and joined the opposition. He wrote the book while he was in jail, risking his life to expose the truth. The book was banned and censored in Cameroon, but it circulated underground and reached many readers who were shocked and outraged by its contents.

    Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF

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    Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF is not only a book. It is a call for action. Angounou urges the Cameroonian people to rise up against Biya's dictatorship and demand democracy, justice, and freedom. He denounces Biya's corruption, nepotism, incompetence, and tyranny. He warns that Biya is leading Cameroon to disaster and ruin. He appeals to the international community to intervene and stop Biya's crimes against humanity.

    If you want to download Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF, you can find it online on various websites that host PDF documents. However, be careful because some of these websites may contain viruses or malware that can harm your device. You should always use a reliable antivirus software and scan any file before opening it. Alternatively, you can buy a hard copy of the book from online bookstores that ship worldwide.

    Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn more about Cameroon's history, politics, and culture. It is also a powerful example of courage, resistance, and activism. It shows that one person can make a difference by speaking out against injustice and oppression. It inspires us to stand up for our rights and dignity.

    Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF is also a timely book. It was published in 2001, but it is still relevant today. Biya is still in power, despite his advanced age and declining health. He has been ruling Cameroon for 40 years, making him one of the longest-serving leaders in the world[^1^]. He has changed the constitution several times to extend his term limits and eliminate his rivals. He has won every election with dubious results and widespread fraud. He has ignored the demands of the people for reforms and dialogue. He has crushed any dissent with violence and intimidation.

    Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF is also a prophetic book. It predicted many of the crises that have plagued Cameroon in recent years. It foresaw the rise of the Anglophone separatist movement, which has been fighting for independence from Biya's Francophone-dominated regime since 2016. It anticipated the emergence of the Boko Haram terrorist group, which has been attacking civilians and security forces in the northern regions since 2014. It warned about the economic collapse, social unrest, human rights violations, and humanitarian disasters that have resulted from Biya's mismanagement and neglect.

    Le Vrai Visage De Paul Biya PDF is also a hopeful book. It believes that change is possible and that a better future awaits Cameroon. It encourages the Cameroonian people to unite and mobilize for their common interests and aspirations. It supports the democratic opposition parties and civil society organizations that are working for a peaceful transition of power. It celebrates the Cameroonian culture, diversity, and resilience that have sustained the nation through its hardships and challenges.


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